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Maryland Governor field getting crowded as more and more liberal nutjobs join the race

This morning, Kevin Kamenetz, a County executive from Baltimore County, announced his candidacy for the Governor of Maryland. Now, we know that this fellow has a small chance at winning the office, but his announcement of candidacy signifies a problem in Maryland. All of the politicians in Maryland are liberal putzes, with very few exceptions. Larry Hogan, whose successful Governor term from 2014 until now gives him a high chance of reelection, is the only Republican candidate for Governor this time around. Now you may say that this is because other Republicans have no need to run because they are all unified under Hogan, but in the 2014 Governor election, when O'Malley was the incumbent Governor, the Democratic party STILL had 1.5x more candidates! Meanwhile, in the 2018 election, the combined number of declared and potential Democratic Governor runs is 14. The Republicans have 1. It was the Democratic Party that ruined Baltimore and DC, yet they still run rampant in the Maryland political scene, even after the people of Maryland told them in 2014 that they do NOT want them anymore. We at the Westminster Inquirer are baffled by this phenomenon.

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